The end of the year is the perfect time to slow down, take stock, and make some personal resolutions for the brand new year ahead. It’s also a great time to consider the ways you want your laser cutter business to change and grow in the next year. Here are five goals that we guarantee will help you transform and expand your laser cutter business in the new year:
1. Invest in Revenue Generating Technology

Buying “stuff” can be a frustrating aspect of growing your business. Something like purchasing a company vehicle is often a necessary evil, but there’s nothing more demoralizing than knowing the second you drive it off the lot your new vehicle begins to depreciate in value. So here’s a fun yet practical thought: along with that company car, consider investing in technology that will earn you real, bankable dollars. For instance, our AP Lazer machine. Purchasing your laser cutter constitutes a significant up-front investment, but because they are remarkably inexpensive to supply and maintain, this technology quickly pays for itself and will begin to generate substantial revenue for your business.
2. Grow Your Laser Cutter Business Vertically

As you consider a brand new year in the life of your laser cutter business, one of the most important questions you can ask yourself is this: How can I dive deeper into my current markets? There are many ways to seize a more significant share of the markets in which you are already present. One of the most effective ways: offering more features to your existing products. And here’s where our laser cutter comes in. We guarantee that whatever you sell, whether it’s made of granite or marble, brick or stone, wood, glass, or metal (and the list goes on!), our laser can add a personal touch to your product that can increase your reach into your current market.
3. Grow Your Laser Cutter Business Horizontally
Along with this deeper dive into your current markets, consider challenging your business to diversify horizontally into brand-new territory. With an AP Lazer, you can dive right into many new markets: personalized home décor, wedding décor and gifts, brick fundraising, and more. You could even start selling your custom products such as travel mugs or totes sporting your very own company’s logo. There’s no time like the present to discover new avenues of revenue, and capitalize on your ability to learn and grow as a laser cutter business!

4. Improve Customer Service and Retention
The customer is king. So how do you make sure you’re capitalizing on every opportunity to make your customer satisfied with you and your business? Studies show that when consumers customize a product, this process increases their engagement with the company, increases their satisfaction with the product, and develops brand loyalty.
In essence, it leaves them happier, and more likely to come back. By using a laser cutter to delve into product personalization, you’re banking on an industry that’s currently exploding. Customers are clueing into the value of customization, and by providing them with this option, you’re communicating with them that their individual experience with your company matters. In a time when consumers are savvier than ever about shopping around and price-comparing down to the penny, we challenge you to consider offering your customers a personalized product – and an experience – they won’t forget.
5. Hire Talented Employees

Any successful business knows the priceless value of employees with talent, a strong work ethic, and a passionate vision for the future. As you look into the future of your laser cutter business, we hope you consider making an AP Lazer an integral part of your vision. We also hope you pursue adding some passionate, innovative people to your staff to spearhead your laser cutter.
You honestly can’t put a price on employees who will take up your vision and help you expand your business’s horizons. As you turn your gaze toward 2018, don’t be afraid to dream big, and walk your laser cutter business confidently into its bright future. And we promise, with an AP Lazer, anything is possible. Want to know more about how your very own AP Lazer can strengthen and expand your business? Check out our business growth guide, along with our Before You Buy page on Facebook!